Speak Up! The Power of Speaking Engagements

If you are comfortable in your field, if you are seen as an authority, then speaking engagements can be an effective way to market yourself.  While many fear speaking in public, as a business owner there is often no better opportunity for exposure than getting up at that podium and sharing valuable information. And if […]

Home Offices: The Good, Bad and Ugly

home office image

Yes, the business world has changed and many have discovered the perks of a home office! Commute time? Just count the number of steps between your bedroom and “Corporate Headquarters.” Work-appropriate attire? Not even sure what that may mean. And you won’t even mind a little water cooler talk when your pets are involved! But […]

Build Your Business With an Informal Board of Advisors

Board of Advisors Meeting

Running a small business can be difficult. Some efficiencies will hinge on the fundamental work of specialized “subject-matter” staff or outside professionals, for example accountants to oversee finances and lawyers to oversee contracts. But you are still left with “mission critical” duties that will drive overall success. It is important not to fall into the […]