Staying Fit at Your Desk

Fitness at your desk

Many working professionals find their fitness time occurs before or after the workday. But they’re missing the opportunity to improve physical activity during their workday beyond walking from their desk to the conference room, staff break room, or out to lunch. It’s too many hours to be so sedentary, however it’s a fact of life […]

Home Offices: The Good, Bad and Ugly

home office image

Yes, the business world has changed and many have discovered the perks of a home office! Commute time? Just count the number of steps between your bedroom and “Corporate Headquarters.” Work-appropriate attire? Not even sure what that may mean. And you won’t even mind a little water cooler talk when your pets are involved! But […]

Are You Sharing Your Business Secrets in Starbucks?

Doing Business in Starkbucks

Espresso machines whirring and baristas shouting coffee orders, the hum of people talking and all of this to the background music that is a signature of the Starbucks experience. While they offer a great environment to pass some time with a friend or simply catch up on emails using their free WIFI, it’s not usually […]

Build Your Business With an Informal Board of Advisors

Board of Advisors Meeting

Running a small business can be difficult. Some efficiencies will hinge on the fundamental work of specialized “subject-matter” staff or outside professionals, for example accountants to oversee finances and lawyers to oversee contracts. But you are still left with “mission critical” duties that will drive overall success. It is important not to fall into the […]

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Start Selling

Boost Sales

Pop quiz: Your business activity isn’t what it should be to start the year and revenues are down. What do you do? A) Hide in your office and worry incessantlyB) Stay the course and assume things will improve on their ownC) Fire some “underperforming” members of your staffD) Begin to proactively sell, market, and network […]

How to be a Better Communicator, Even in the Age of Zoom

Some people seem to be “natural” communicators. Their thoughts and words are always coherent and spoken in a natural, confident and compelling manner. Their “style” prompts their audience to “lean in”, whether that audience is comprised of 1 person or 1000. Being a good communicator is an important skill to have, particularly so in the […]

Still Trying To Do It All?

Business Person Multitasking

While most will agree that 2022 has been closer to “normal” than the prior two years, it’s still been an adjustment as businesses adapt to the “new normal”. Many still work from home, or have a hybrid arrangement, some of us moved, and many small business owners have taken on tasks that prior to the […]

It’s Never Too Late to Launch a Business

Five people in business attire are starting a race on an outdoor track, with a blue sky and greenery in the background.

Ah, the “Great Resignation,” who amongst us has not heard this oft used phrase when discussing the seismic shift in business that occurred during Covid. Individuals losing their jobs because their industry was decimated (i.e., hospitality), or leaving their employment because the juggling required to home school their children while concurrently being a business-person/parent/etal, was […]

In Celebration of Small Businesses

Small Business Week 2022

May 1 – 7 is National Small Business Week, recognizing the incredible creativity and contributions small businesses make to our communities and economy. As a fellow small business, Stark Office Suites is proud of the many organizations in New York and Connecticut who rely on us to help them grow and succeed. The Small Business […]