How to be a Better Communicator, Even in the Age of Zoom

Some people seem to be “natural” communicators. Their thoughts and words are always coherent and spoken in a natural, confident and compelling manner. Their “style” prompts their audience to “lean in”, whether that audience is comprised of 1 person or 1000. Being a good communicator is an important skill to have, particularly so in the […]

Better Late Than Never? Not So Much

Running Late For Business Meeting

Better late than never. Do you agree? Try telling that to the gate agent when the plane is already pulling away from the gate. Or to the prospective client that cut short their earlier meeting to accommodate your schedule. And that Broadway play that will have you wait in the lobby until intermission, let them […]

Three Ways to Network More Effectively

business networking stark office suites

Business networking has changed and with so many of us working remotely, it’s more important than ever to keep your business top-of-mind! While the need for our fellow networkers to be geographically accessible has become less critical – as long as you have internet access, you can network actively – a local focus can often […]

Working On The Beach Can Be Cool but…

Working on Beach Remotely

Working on the beach can be cool but meeting a client here could get downright cold. Warm-up your business with a virtual office solution from Stark Office Suites. Our Virtual Office options include: Are you always on the go? Our Virtual Office Solutions offers a unique blend of the flexibility to work when and where […]

Still Trying To Do It All?

Business Person Multitasking

While most will agree that 2022 has been closer to “normal” than the prior two years, it’s still been an adjustment as businesses adapt to the “new normal”. Many still work from home, or have a hybrid arrangement, some of us moved, and many small business owners have taken on tasks that prior to the […]

Pssst – Your Address Is Talking About You

Virtual Office Address

No, not your email address; we’re referring to the address where you receive your USPS mail and meet with clients and prospects. Yes, that address! These days many business people work from a home office and get their mail at an address that does little to conjure up an image of professionalism and business smarts. […]

Do Ghosts and Goblins Scare You? How About Your Year-End Numbers?

Hallloween for business

It’s that time of year – Halloween is soon upon us! Decorations and all manner of Fall paraphernalia have been in the stores since Labor Day, soon to be replaced by turkeys, Christmas ornaments, and menorahs. Halloween is very special for kids. While not in the origin of the holiday, they’re excited to put on […]

Three Steps to Finish 2022 Strong

2022 Business Growth

The summer is nearing an end and business owners are now looking at year-end sales. Here are three suggestions to help you build your business during the rest of the year: Mine the gold in your existing client database: When business owners focus on growing their business, they often think of bringing in new clients […]