Celebrating Women’s Small Business Month with Stark Client Sandra Joseph

Sandra Joseph

We had the pleasure of interviewing Sandra Joseph, the founder of Longevity Care. Let’s dive into her remarkable journey of entrepreneurship in the healthcare industry.

Introducing Longevity Care & Founder Sandra Joseph

Sandra Joseph is a registered nurse who graduated from Quinnipiac College in 1995. Following several years at Yale University, Sandra was interested in finding a job with more flexibility to raise her family. This led her to start working at a home care agency, a stepping stone towards her entrepreneurial career.

With financial support from her parents and in-laws, Sandra took the bold step of opening her own staffing agency. Initially, her agency supplied nursing homes with aides and nurses. However, with time, the agency expanded to serve the broader community. This expansion allowed Sandra to make a living while also being present for her children.

Recent Accomplishments

When asked about a recent accomplishment she is most proud of, Sandra mentioned the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many businesses, Longevity Care was at risk of closing. However, Sandra and her team turned adversity into an opportunity.

They took on patients that no one else was willing to take on. They were on the road,
delivering protective supplies such as gloves, masks, and sanitizer. This ensured both their
aides and patients were protected. This resilience and dedication not only kept the business alive but also led to growth and financial stability.

Advice for Other Women Entrepreneurs

Sandra’s words of advice to other women in her field revolved around two crucial aspects – dealing with staffing and setting boundaries with employees. She shared, “When I praise them and say what an amazing job they are doing, some tend to use that as a weakness. Coming from a nursing background, I needed to ensure everyone felt cared for and appreciated. I found that doing that created more conflict.”

She expressed that she wished she had had a mentor when she started to advise her on dealing with employees more professionally.

Longevity Care: Client at Stark Office Suites

When asked about how Stark has enhanced her business, Sandra expressed her gratitude for being part of a thriving business community that welcomes new members with open arms. She says, “Stark’s dedicated team in their Rye Brook location, led by Briana, creates a positive environment where everyone feels at home.”

As a small agency, Longevity Care takes a hands-on approach with their clients and employees, and they are thrilled to have received positive feedback from their recent company survey. They are committed to providing exceptional services to help their clients remain competitive in the Westchester area.

Sandra concluded the interview by expressing her gratitude for the opportunity to serve the community and her excitement for Longevity Care’s continuous growth. Don’t forget to follow their journey at longevitycareny.com and on Instagram and Facebook at @longevity.homecare

Final Note

We would like to extend our thanks to Sandra for this insightful interview. We are inspired by her journey and hope you are too. Don’t forget to comment and share. Visit us for more insights on our services and more inspiring stories at www.starkofficesuites.com

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