Staying Fit at Your Desk

Fitness at your desk

Many working professionals find their fitness time occurs before or after the workday. But they’re missing the opportunity to improve physical activity during their workday beyond walking from their desk to the conference room, staff break room, or out to lunch. It’s too many hours to be so sedentary, however it’s a fact of life for those of us whose job requires little physical activity.

Since many studies have proven that sitting for lengthy periods of time can have negative effects on our health, here are three recommendations that you can start immediately to help you maintain fitness while at your desk:

Take a 10-minute “action” break for each hour you’re at your desk

When you’re fully immersed and engaged in work, time can pass very quickly, and before you realize it you can find yourself sitting for hours at a time without much physical activity at all. To prevent such stretches of immobility, set an alarm so that you’ll “remember” to get up to stretch and walk around – or even march in place if there is nowhere for you to go! You can also do some simple desk exercises including touching your toes, squats, or lifting light weights that you keep by your desk. You’ll soon find that by staying active throughout the day you will be more alert and productive, too.

Skip the elevator, take the stairs, and park in an “inconvenient” location

Many of us drive to work or take public transportation that drops us off very close to our final destination. Make it a habit to park as far from your building as possible or get off the bus or subway a few stops before you arrive at your building so that you will have to walk the rest of the way. Whenever possible take the stairs to your office, including during your lunch or break times, and if you find that you lack the commitment to do these things on a regular basis, find an “accountability partner” in your office that is interested in engaging in these healthful pursuits with you.

Fitness at Stark Office Suites

Stark Office Suites are often located in areas that provide you with the opportunity to get a bit of exercise close to your office. For example, our Tarrytown location is right next to the Tappan Zee/Mario Cuomo bridge which has possibly the best walking path in Westchester, extending out over the Hudson River. Our Scarsdale location is right downtown; you can take a great walk while looking at the shop windows of some great local shops. Our location in Rye Brook is in a building so large, walking from one end to the other will get you a great workout. And our Stamford location on Tresser Blvd has a fitness center right in the building!

The key is to become aware of how you spend your time at work and recognize or make opportunities to get up and move. Oftentimes heightened awareness is all that is needed to change habits and get you to engage in actions that will support better health and fitness.

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