Looking Forward to a Strong 4th Quarter

4th Quarter Sales Goals

Here we are looking ahead at fall and the all-important 4th Quarter. At this stage in the year you should have a good understanding of how your 2024 measured up. Did you meet (or exceed!) the goals you set at the beginning of the year? Did you fail to do so? How will your 2025 […]

Summer is a Great Time for Cleaning Your Business

Spring Cleaning Your Business

Summer is here – what does it mean to you? The beach. Warm temperatures. Long daylight hours. For many people summer implies all of those things. While we should be sure to enjoy all of those things, summer can also be a great time to “clean up” as many businesses slow a bit in July […]

How to Maintain Your Focus on Business During the Summer Months

summer business

We are finally getting to enjoy the warm weather and long days that signify the spring and summer seasons. It’s been slow in coming, and because we wait so long for summer to arrive it is no wonder we want to enjoy every single second of it. It certainly can be difficult to concentrate and […]

Still Bouncing Business Ideas off Mr. Snuggles?

Business Ideas

If you’re working from home and your primary colleague for business input is four-legged and furry, that may be a clear indication that it’s time to get to work in a private, furnished office in a professional office environment. Successful professionals and entrepreneurs seeking private, nicely-furnished office space in Westchester, New York City, Nassau County […]

2024 Business Resolution: Get a Private Office

Need an office. No more working from home.

For many, the ability to work at home was a life-saver and offered some side benefits; a 15-second commute, time to walk the dog or even throw in a load of laundry. But as many professionals are learning, there are many situations when a home office just won’t do, for instance: That’s why many professionals […]

Getting Ready for the Week Ahead

Do you find the transition from Sunday to Monday very tough? It doesn’t necessarily mean that you dislike what you do, but rather that Monday morning comes about too soon. It doesn’t have to be that way. Regardless of your position, there are several things that you can do to ease yourself into the workweek […]

Home Offices: The Good, Bad and Ugly

home office image

Yes, the business world has changed and many have discovered the perks of a home office! Commute time? Just count the number of steps between your bedroom and “Corporate Headquarters.” Work-appropriate attire? Not even sure what that may mean. And you won’t even mind a little water cooler talk when your pets are involved! But […]

Are You Sharing Your Business Secrets in Starbucks?

Doing Business in Starkbucks

Espresso machines whirring and baristas shouting coffee orders, the hum of people talking and all of this to the background music that is a signature of the Starbucks experience. While they offer a great environment to pass some time with a friend or simply catch up on emails using their free WIFI, it’s not usually […]

Why Being Different is Better than Being Better

Effective Sales Calls

When someone tells you, “Our product is better than what you are currently using,” what do you think? Do you get excited, lean forward, and say, “Tell me more!” Or are you guarded and skeptical, because, well, you’ve heard that line a million times? The truth is that most of us can tell when we […]

Business Email: Five Rules to Help Avoid Email Disasters

Email Tips

How many business emails do you get each day? 50, 100, more? For many of us it seems as if there is no end to the incessant onslaught of email that comes to our mailboxes 24/7. We complain but there is no stopping it and that’s because email is incredibly convenient. We can connect with […]

Tips to Ensure You Meet Your Goals in 2023

Setting Goals

It’s January and many of us have set some ambitious goals for the New Year that lies ahead, and given that the year is new, you certainly have a good shot at accomplishing them! Here are three things you can do right NOW to help to ensure you meet your goals: Record your goals and […]