You’ll Need 6 Super Important Skills to Succeed as a Leader in the Age of Machines, Says Research

If you’ve ever wondered what truly worries today’s C-level executives, look no further than the Global Leadership Forecast 2018, a massive study produced as a collaboration between DDI, The Conference Board, and EY.   Drilling down to what keeps them up at night, more than 1,000 executives worldwide identified the issues they expect to command their attention in the coming year. The biggest […]

3 New Ways Social Media is Going to Impact Your Career in the Near Future

  Like radio and TV, the use of new technologies evolves. We’re in the middle of a major shift in how we use social media. The huge firestorm around Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and our privacy is a watershed moment that will shift how we engage with social media. But, many other factors are in play.   Click here to […]

Networking Emails Are Tricky. Here Are 3 Easy Steps to Make the Right Introduction

  At the foundation of business, no matter what industry you work in, are people and connections. Introductions and facilitating connections are a core part of the corporate world. We would all be nowhere without our business relationships.   Whether you are on the receiving end or you are the one facilitating a business introduction, there are […]

3 Easy Steps to Make Your Salespeople More Effective

  As a founder, your job is to give every team member the tools and resources they need to be successful on their own. Building a great sales team comes down to asking yourself what you can do to empower them to make smart decisions on their own.   For sales teams, especially, founders are notorious for […]

The 5 Most Important Negotiation Skills You Must Master

  Think of all the times in your business week you negotiate:  with new hires and existing employees; with sales prospects and long-term clients; with vendors and suppliers. If you’re a business owner or leader, you need to know how to negotiate. This is non-negotiable.   Click here to read the five most important negotiation skills […]

7 Harsh Truths That Will Improve Your Leadership Skills Overnight

  If you find yourself in the precarious position of wondering “where do I stand as a leader,” at some point you must face some brutal truths about what it takes to motivate and inspire on a human, emotional, and psychological level.   Click here to take your leadership skills to the next level, again.

5 Tips to Maximize Public Speaking Opportunities

  Public speaking isn’t for everyone. Even for those of us who enjoy it, presenting in front of an audience presents regular stumbling blocks. Just ask Warren Buffet, who overcame stage fright early in his career.   The rewards of public speaking engagements can far outweigh the challenges, particularly as it significantly accelerates the exposure of a […]

5 Calendar Hacks to Save 5 Hours Every Week

  Everyone is busy these days, but entrepreneurs might take the cake as the busiest people on the planet. There is, however, a difference between being busy and being productive. ​Pro tip: You want to be the latter. Click here to read more!

5 Easy Ways to Attract More Website Traffic

  If one of your goals this year is to create a website, it goes without saying that you want it to attract visitors. Whether you started the new year with a new business venture or got around to kicking off a blog in 2018, finally getting your idea out into the world is a […]

Stark Office Suites – White Plains

Enhance your professional image and increase your operational efficiency in our premium White Plains office rentals, elegantly furnished and staffed with a team of caring and friendly individuals that are personally invested in you and your company.   Give your business the image it deserves and the convenience of being in the center of it […]

7 Words Confident People Don’t Have in Their Vocabulary

  When we become anxious, we begin to use words that don’t do a great job at hiding those feelings. It’s an unfortunate thing that happens. Who wants their audience to validate that we’re nervous when we’re trying to act cool and confident?   Whether it’s a speech or a one-on-one meeting, it’s normal to feel uncomfortable […]

How to Write a Killer Sales Plan

  Most people are familiar with a marketing plan, a document that describes how you intend to generate sales leads and turn them into potential customers. A sales plan (aka sales campaign plan) is different: it provides a roadmap for an individual sales effort.   Click here to read more about making a sales plan.