Speak Up! The Power of Speaking Engagements
If you are comfortable in your field, if you are seen as an authority, then speaking engagements can be an effective way to market yourself. While many fear speaking in public, as a business owner there is often no better opportunity for exposure than getting up at that podium and sharing valuable information. And if […]
2024 Business Resolution: Get a Private Office
For many, the ability to work at home was a life-saver and offered some side benefits; a 15-second commute, time to walk the dog or even throw in a load of laundry. But as many professionals are learning, there are many situations when a home office just won’t do, for instance: That’s why many professionals […]
Celebrating Women’s Small Business Month with Lelia Jimenez
In honor of Women’s Small Business Month, we had the opportunity to interview Stark client Lelia Jimenez, Founder of Lelia Kaye Consulting. An accomplished entrepreneur herself, Lelia is passionate about encouraging other women in their pursuit of personal and professional growth and development. Introducing Lelia Kaye Consulting & Founder Lelia Jimenez Lelia Jimenez, a hardworking […]
Celebrating Women’s Small Business Month with Stark Client Sandra Joseph
We had the pleasure of interviewing Sandra Joseph, the founder of Longevity Care. Let’s dive into her remarkable journey of entrepreneurship in the healthcare industry. Introducing Longevity Care & Founder Sandra Joseph Sandra Joseph is a registered nurse who graduated from Quinnipiac College in 1995. Following several years at Yale University, Sandra was interested in […]
Getting Ready for the Week Ahead
Do you find the transition from Sunday to Monday very tough? It doesn’t necessarily mean that you dislike what you do, but rather that Monday morning comes about too soon. It doesn’t have to be that way. Regardless of your position, there are several things that you can do to ease yourself into the workweek […]
Home Offices: The Good, Bad and Ugly
Yes, the business world has changed and many have discovered the perks of a home office! Commute time? Just count the number of steps between your bedroom and “Corporate Headquarters.” Work-appropriate attire? Not even sure what that may mean. And you won’t even mind a little water cooler talk when your pets are involved! But […]
Are You Sharing Your Business Secrets in Starbucks?
Espresso machines whirring and baristas shouting coffee orders, the hum of people talking and all of this to the background music that is a signature of the Starbucks experience. While they offer a great environment to pass some time with a friend or simply catch up on emails using their free WIFI, it’s not usually […]
Marketing is Not a One-Time Event
Developing an integrated, ongoing marketing program is a challenge for companies of all sizes. Larger companies typically have a whole department or ad agency devoted to marketing, and smaller ones may just have a handful of staff loosely involved with marketing… or maybe, just the principal. No matter the staffing levels, the need for consistent […]
Why Being Different is Better than Being Better
When someone tells you, “Our product is better than what you are currently using,” what do you think? Do you get excited, lean forward, and say, “Tell me more!” Or are you guarded and skeptical, because, well, you’ve heard that line a million times? The truth is that most of us can tell when we […]
Build Your Business With an Informal Board of Advisors
Running a small business can be difficult. Some efficiencies will hinge on the fundamental work of specialized “subject-matter” staff or outside professionals, for example accountants to oversee finances and lawyers to oversee contracts. But you are still left with “mission critical” duties that will drive overall success. It is important not to fall into the […]
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Start Selling
Pop quiz: Your business activity isn’t what it should be to start the year and revenues are down. What do you do? A) Hide in your office and worry incessantlyB) Stay the course and assume things will improve on their ownC) Fire some “underperforming” members of your staffD) Begin to proactively sell, market, and network […]
Show Them the Love!
February 14th is Valentine’s Day and the big brands and retailers are all vying for your attention. For many consumers, attempts by these businesses to get them to remember the date is successful; just observe the long lines at florists and candy purveyors. But what about for businesses? Surely we don’t shower our clients with flowers […]